v1.0, 2003-10-27 | ASCII 0-255 | UTF-8 2-byte | UTF-8 3-byte | UTF-8 4-byte | Simple ASCII Counter

This is the original ASCII Character Chart I made back in 2003. The original 256 ASCII characters served most of the world and each character could be represented with an 8-bit number. The most common characters were placed below 127 so they only needed 7 bits. This was important when computers were all based on 8-bit technology. If you look closely, you'll notice you can add 32 (bit 5) to any uppercase letter to get the same lowercase letter. I also made a Simple ASCII Counter.

Since then, computers have evolved, along with the internet. Modern character sets like UTF-8 use 16, 32, and 64 bit encoding, while remaining backwards compatible with the first 127 characters of the original ASCII set. Jump to the next page, UTF-8 2-byte Characters to see the transition.

Notes and Examples

  • The Decimal ASCII value is underneath each character, i.e. "N" = 78
  • The Hexadecimal ASCII value is the row# and column#, i.e. "N" = 4E
  • To display "16² = 256", the HTML is: 16² = 256
  • To display "PULPchat®", the HTML is: PULPchat®
  • The decimal ASCII value of a lowercase letter is the uppercase letter + 32.
  • ASCII 13 is Carriage Return (CR), \r or 
  • ASCII 10 is Newline (LF), \n or 

  • ASCII 9 is Tab, \t or 	
  • ASCII 8 is Backspace, \b or 
  • ASCII 12 is Form feed, \f or 
  • To see a great collection of ASCII Art, visit Christopher Johnson's site

Character Charts:
ASCII 0-255 | UTF-8 2-byte | UTF-8 3-byte | UTF-8 4-byte | Simple ASCII Counter